Alchemical Healing

General Info' & Free Downloads. room


What Can You Expect From Me? Alongside naturally inspired gifts I have studied broadly with the intention of moving you on quickly, using integrity and intelligence in my practice. You won't find gimmicks or clever advertising spin, just open, honest therapy tailored to your situation. You will find me warm, professional, empathic and enlightened with a wealth of skills to help. I am also continually committed to ongoing personal development and awareness - a lifelong searcher - to help better inform my practice and develop me as an individual. That learning embraces many aspects, from how what we eat and think affects our wellbeing, to our energetic quantum health and balance to mindfulness, conscious awareness, spirituality and new scientific understanding that affects our health.
Having experienced working for a counselling agency I find that working privately provides more flexibility with fees and times, and I can be more sensitive to your needs whilst offering high standards

Prior to gaining my professional qualifications, I embarked on a path of spiritual and personal growth that embraced over thirty five years of diverse studies and practices including (to name a few), astrology, numerology, philosophy, NLP and EFT. This search into how we 'tick' continues, with each new day bringing further insights into myself and my work until I have developed a philosophy that works for me, and may help you too. I have taught workshops on the Native American peoples, have a love of Mother Nature and all that embraces. My own life has experienced many challenges, among them loss and bereavement, family and work issues which I can draw on to help you. I faced redundancy after 25 years of loyal service and the feelings this evoked in me. Whatever your experience, it will be different from mine and uniquely yours, but the depth of understanding can provide useful support.

For any therapy to be effective, it is vital you feel comfortable with your therapist so that you can trust and unfold naturally. The consultation is a good introduction where I can outline how I can help and you can choose if you want to progress.

APPOINTMENTS. Available most days, weekends, and Bank holidays: sometimes at short notice. If you need to cancel, please give 24 hours notice or a full charge is incurred. Exception only in emergency as by failing to notify me denies someone in need of the appointment. Also if you are 15 minutes or more late for an appointment, we would need to rearrange unless you notify me to see if the time is still possible. If you book, then 'something comes up', please be courteous and let me know. I will always acknowledge your message as confirmation that I have received it. Need more information, then click here to e mail me

PAYMENTS: Cash or cheque on the day please or bank transfer in advance.

YOUR PRIVACY & GDPR: The law changed on 25th May 2018 in respect of your privacy and protection. As a counsellor, I have always adhered to strict confidentiality as this is paramount to building trust in any therapeutic relationship. Any details gathered by me are solely for my use and have never, and will never be kept on a database or any technological device. Brief handwritten notes regarding session content are maintained by me as an aide memoire and their purpose is to create awareness of movement within therapy. You have the right to view these notes should you so wish. No information whatsoever is shared with any other party. In counselling, which I rarely separate from Reiki unless the client requests it, there are certain exclusions which are made explicit on the consent form that you would sign and which would be discussed before proceeding. Notes kept by me are minimal and are kept safely locked away, with me having sole access. Any contact made to you by me is in direct connection to your wellbeing or response to your enquiry.
At any time you can request that your information is deleted from my e mail or phone contact.
Notes are kept for a maximum of 7 years, after which time they are destroyed in a confidential non traceable manner.

I am open to your questions, so please get in touch: I can be reached on either 07931 247229 by text or ringing. E mail me on


Please feel free to download or print any of the following. I hope you find something of value

Mindfulness for Busy People
Increasing Motivation
Relaxation Tips
Positive Affirmations

General Info' & Free Downloads. cnhc quality


  • Advanced Level 4 Dip.Couns 2005
  • Cert. Therapeutic Counselling.2003
  • Cert. Counselling Skills.2002
  • Reiki Level 1,2. 1998
  • Reiki Master Practitioner/Teacher. 2000
  • Ascension Reiki 2007
  • Angelic Reiki Level 1 & 2 2008
  • Awakening the Light Body Grad. 2008
  • Qualified First Aid & CRB check. Ongoing
  • Cert. Advanced Tarot Reading 2009
  • EFT level 2 Practitioner Aug 2011
  • NLP Diploma Dec 2011
  • Mindfulness course/CBT 2016
  • MindfulnessCourse 2018


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